Mail Server Filter

Filter incoming and outgoing mail servers by means of database names.

Technical name: mail_server_filter
Repository: System/Odoo-Apps-Server-Tools/tree/16.0/mail-server-filter


Set database filter for outgoing mail server

Navigate by Settings > Technical > Outgoing Mail Server and open an entry. In the Database Filter field, you can enter the name of the database or comment separated several database names. If a value is set on this field, when sending e-mails, it is checked whether the database name is contained in the outgoing mail server.


The filter is also used for the scheduled action to retrieve the available e-mails.


If an email is sent but no outgoing mail server can be used, Odoo throws the error message Connection failed (outgoing mail server problem).

Set database filter for incoming mail servers

Navigate by Settings > Technical > Incoming Mail Server and open an entry. In the Database Filter field, you can enter the name of the database or comment separated several database names. If a value is set to this field, when e-mails are received, it is checked whether the database name is contained in the incoming mail server.


Other filters such as the From Filter is checked after the database filter.