Color tail output in Odoo logs

Pasted image 20230301163617.png

Create an alias for sed

alias ct='sed --unbuffered -e "s/\(.*INFO.*\)/\o033[32m\1\o033[39m/" -e "s/\(.*ERROR.*\)/\o033[31m\1\o033[39m/" -e "s/\(.*CRITICAL.*\)/\o033[33m\1\o033[49m/" -e "s/\(.*DEBUG.*\)/\o033[30m\1\o033[49m/" -e "s/\(.*WARN.*\)/\o033[35m\1\o033[49m/"'

Customize it by changing regular expressions and font and background colors.

Fixed part: sed --unbuffered -e
Regex part: s/\(.*INFO.*\)/
Color part: \o033[32m\1\o033[39m/, where the first part (until the 1 is for font color and second one is for background color)

Color codes

Color Font Background
Black \033[30m \033[40m
Red \033[31m \033[41m
Green \033[32m \033[42m
Orange \033[33m \033[43m
Blue \033[34m \033[44m
Magenta \033[35m \033[45m
Cyan \033[36m \033[46m
Light gray \033[37m \033[47m
Use default \033[39m \033[49m


tail [options] file | ct


From Judith Roth @ makandra

*ct stands for 'color this', 'color tail', 'confusion troll' or whatever. Don't use this alias if you plan to work on Flatcar Container Linux