ansible-role-nginx (official)

Ansible NGINX Role

This role installs NGINX Open Source, NGINX Plus, or the NGINX Amplify agent on your target host.

Note: This role is still in active development. There may be unidentified issues and the role variables may change as development continues.


NGINX Plus (Optional)

If you wish to install NGINX Plus using this role, you will need to obtain an NGINX Plus license beforehand. You do not need to do anything beforehand if you want to install NGINX OSS.



Molecule (Optional)

You can alternatively add your NGINX Plus repository certificate and key to the local environment. Run the following commands to export these files as base64-encoded variables and execute the Molecule tests:

export NGINX_CRT=$( cat <path to your certificate file> | base64 )
export NGINX_KEY=$( cat <path to your key file> | base64 )
molecule test -s plus


Ansible Galaxy

Use ansible-galaxy install nginxinc.nginx to install the latest stable release of the role on your system. Alternatively, if you have already installed the role, use ansible-galaxy install -f nginxinc.nginx to update the role to the latest release.


Use git clone to pull the latest edge commit of the role from GitHub.


The NGINX Ansible role supports all platforms supported by NGINX Open Source, NGINX Plus, and the NGINX Amplify agent:

NGINX Open Source

  - 3.13
  - 3.14
  - 3.15
  - 3.16
Amazon Linux:
  - 2
  - 7.4+
  - buster (10)
  - bullseye (11)
Red Hat:
  - 7.4+
  - 8
  - 9
  - 12
  - 15
  - bionic (18.04)
  - focal (20.04)
  - impish (21.10)
  - jammy (22.04)


  - 3.13
  - 3.14
  - 3.15
  - 3.16
Amazon Linux 2:
  - any
  - 7.4+
  - buster (10)
  - bullseye (11)
  - 12.1+
  - 13
Oracle Linux:
  - 7.4+
Red Hat:
  - 7.4+
  - 8
  - 9
  - 12
  - 15
  - bionic (18.04)
  - focal (20.04)
  - jammy (22.04)

NGINX Amplify Agent

Amazon Linux 2:
  - any
  - buster (10)
  - bullseye (11)
Red Hat:
  - 8
  - bionic
  - focal

Note: You can also use this role to compile NGINX Open Source from source, install NGINX Open Source on compatible yet unsupported platforms, or install NGINX Open Source on BSD systems at your own risk.

Role Variables

This role has multiple variables. The descriptions and defaults for all these variables can be found in the defaults/main/ folder in the following files:

Name Description
main.yml NGINX installation variables
amplify.yml NGINX Amplify agent installation variables
bsd.yml BSD installation variables
logrotate.yml Logrotate configuration variables
selinux.yml SELinux configuration variables
systemd.yml Systemd configuration variables

Similarly, descriptions and defaults for preset variables can be found in the vars/ folder in the following files:

Name Description
main.yml List of supported NGINX platforms, modules, and Linux installation variables

Example Playbooks

Working functional playbook examples can be found in the molecule/ folder in the following files:

Name Description
default/converge.yml Install a specific version of NGINX and set up logrotate
downgrade/converge.yml Downgrade to a specific version of NGINX
downgrade_plus/converge.yml Downgrade to a specific version of NGINX Plus
module/converge.yml Install various NGINX supported modules
plus/converge.yml Install NGINX Plus and various NGINX Plus supported modules
source/converge.yml Install NGINX from source
uninstall/converge.yml Uninstall NGINX
uninstall_plus/converge.yml Uninstall NGINX Plus
upgrade/converge.yml Upgrade NGINX
upgrade_plus/converge.yml Upgrade NGINX Plus

Do note that if you install this repository via Ansible Galaxy, you will have to replace the role variable in the sample playbooks from ansible-role-nginx to nginxinc.nginx.

Other NGINX Ansible Collections and Roles

You can find the Ansible NGINX Core collection of roles to install and configure NGINX Open Source, NGINX Plus, and NGINX App Protect here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX configuration role to configure NGINX here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX App Protect role to install and configure NGINX App Protect WAF and NGINX App Protect DoS here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX Unit role to install NGINX Unit here.


Apache License, Version 2.0

Author Information

Alessandro Fael Garcia

Grzegorz Dzien

Tom Gamull

© F5 Networks, Inc. 2018 - 2022